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The Enhancement of Road Dust Removal Project in Pingtong - Planning and Management

Street sweeping and flushing efficiency has a direct influence on the pollution reduction rates because road dust is known as one of primary indicators of particle air pollution. Therefore, Pingtong Environmental Protective Bureau regards the enhancement of road dust removal as one of their significant tasks. To pursuit actual reduction of particle air pollution in Pingtong County, the project executive company is openly and carefully screened in terms of experience and ability. The project executor has swept streets of 14,104 kilometers in length and flushed streets of 20,771.9 kilometers in length, from the mid April of 2005 to the mid April of 2006. According to the statistics collected till February 2006, street flushers operated at an average of 1,747 kilometers per month and consumed about 856 tones to 1,888 tons of water, at an average of 0.85 tons of water use per kilometer. All the performance meets the requirements of Environmental Protective Agency—water use goes above 0.8 tons per kilometer, flushing length as 1,208 kilometers per month, the gross collection of street dusts as 404,030 kilograms, at an average of 30.16 kilograms per kilometer. In addition, 10 times of TSP/PM10 tests are carried out along the peripheral roads of Pingtong and Chaojhou test locations. Tests report shows that street sweeping and flushing efficiency has certain influence on air pollution reduction rates 800 copies of questionnaires are filled out and surveys that the questioned are 54.9% male and 45.1% female, 25.8% at the age of 30 to 39, 24.3%at the age of 40 to 49. More than 60% of the questioned greatly appreciate, 33% feel satisfied with and 7% feels okay about the flushing efficiency of the year. Obviously, most people approve of the road dust removal performance.
dust collection, water use per kilometer, TSP/PM10 tests